Gressco Receives TIP Award
Gressco Commercial Children’s Furnishings is an Awarded Vendor through the TIPS Purchasing Cooperative. As an Awarded Vendor Gressco offers TIPS Members the opportunity to purchase products at discounted pricing without the delay and expense of going out to bid.
CONTRACT: 220301 Furniture, Furnishings and Services
TIPS is a National Purchasing Cooperative that offers access to competitively priced purchasing contracts to its Members. We leverage the purchasing power while streamlining the process for over 10,000 Members nationwide. Our Members include: -K-12 School Districts -Private Schools/ Daycare -Cities/Municipalities -Churches -State Agencies -Charter Schools -Colleges & Universities (State and Private) -Counties/Parishes -Charitable Organizations -Emergency Services Districts -Other Entities with legislated purchasing /bidding requirements
Through the TIPS Program, Gressco can save customers both time and money. Primary markets for our furniture include schools, libraries, community centers, healthcare clinics and most any space for children and young adults.
For a TIPS quote visit our website at